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Module parameters

Below are all the network parameters used to configure the behavior of validator punishments. Details of all these parameters and their effect on behavior of validator punishments is discussed later in this document.

  • signed_blocks_window: Number of blocks for which the liveness is calculated for uptime tracking
  • min_signed_per_window: Maximum percentage of blocks with faulty/missed validations allowed for an account in last signed_blocks_window blocks before it gets deactivated
  • downtime_jail_duration: Duration for jailing
  • slash_fraction_double_sign: Percentage of funds being slashed when validator makes a byzantine fault
  • slash_fraction_downtime: Percentage of funds being slashed when a validator is non-live.
downtime_jail_durationstring (seconds)"600s"
min_signed_per_windowstring (dec)"0.050000000000000000"
signed_blocks_windowstring (int)"10000"
slash_fraction_double_signstring (dec)"0.050000000000000000"
slash_fraction_downtimestring (dec)"0.010000000000000000"