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Module parameters

Below are all the network parameters for the mint module:

  • blocks_per_year - The expected number of blocks being produced per year
  • goal_bonded - Goal of bonded tokens in percentage
  • inflation_max - Maximum annual inflation rate
  • inflation_min - Minimum annual inflation rate
  • inflation_rate_change - Maximum annual change in inflation rate
  • mint_denom - Type of the token being minted.

The target annual inflation rate is recalculated for each previsions cycle. The inflation is also subject to a rate change (positive or negative) depending on the distance from the desired ratio (goal_bonded). The maximum rate change possible is defined to be inflation_rate_change per year, where the annual inflation is capped between inflation_min and inflation_max.

goal_bondedstring (dec)"0.670000000000000000"
inflation_maxstring (dec)"0.200000000000000000"
inflation_minstring (dec)"0.070000000000000000"
inflation_rate_changestring (dec)"1.000000000000000000"