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tx distribution fund-community-pool [amount]

Users can make a contribution to the community pool with a specific amount.

tx distribution set-withdraw-addr [withdraw-addr]

Delegator can set a different address to withdraw their rewards.

tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards

Delegator can withdraw their reward(s) from the validator(s) that they have delegated to all at once.

withdraw-rewards [validator-addr]

Delegator can withdraw their reward(s) from a specific validator.


Validator operation can withdraw the commission in addition to the rewards by adding the commission flag --commission.


query distribution commission

We can check the commission of a specific validator.

query distribution community-pool

We can check the balance of the community pool.

query rewards [delegator-addr] [validator-addr]

We can check the current rewards for a delegation on a specific validator.

query slashes [validator] [start-height] [end-height]

We can check the history of slashing events of a validator.

query validator-outstandings-rewards [validator]

We can check distribution outstanding (un-withdrawn) rewards for a validator and all of their delegations.